Revolutionizing 'HOMEWORK': Wired Therapy's Approach to Self-Care 🌿

What does the word 'HOMEWORK' evoke in you? 🀒

At Wired Therapy, our approach to homework breaks free from traditional thoughts. We assign tasks like a daily doodle, journal entry, or connecting with loved ones. The goal? Reflect, take self-care moments, and decompress 🌿.

It's not about distracting from challenges but facing them.

I'm proud of clients putting in the work – a catalyst for meaningful change πŸ’ͺ.

Progress may not be external, but their resilience grows 🌱

Our youth-friendly counselling service is accessible to young people aged 11-25 years old. Get in touch to find out more about how our affordable therapy sessions can support you or someone you know 🌱


Navigating 2024: the in’s and outs! 🌱


Unlocking Transformation: Exploring the Power of 'Holding Space' at Wired Therapy πŸͺ.