Unlocking Transformation: Exploring the Power of 'Holding Space' at Wired Therapy 🪐.

Let's delve into the concept of 'holding space' at Wired Therapy 🪐

This phrase, a cornerstone of our values, involves creating a secure environment for clients who are feeling stuck. Unable to alter their circumstances, our role is to provide a safe haven where frustrations can be shared and burdens lessened 🤍

Through our creative therapy options, we hold space for young people to explore their mental health safely.

While we lack a magic solution, we stand by our clients, offering unwavering support. As soon as the chance arises, we empower them to instigate positive change 💪

For us, 'holding space' is a profound gift, symbolizing our commitment to therapeutic support 🌿

P.S. What are your thoughts on the welcoming physical spaces we create to emotionally hold our clients? Cozy, right?


Revolutionizing 'HOMEWORK': Wired Therapy's Approach to Self-Care 🌿


Pop-Psychology Myths: Unveiling Mental Health Complexity 🧠