Healing through Play: Jamie's Journey with Lego at Wired Therapy 🌿🧱

I work with a client, Jamie*, who often assumes the parental role within their family despite being under 18.

Having been part of Wired Therapy for several months, Jamie recently revealed a unique passion – playing with Lego 🧱.

Initially feeling embarrassed and considering it childish, Jamie's perspective shifted. They realized that Lego is truly for everyoneβ€”complex, versatile, and engaging. It provides a creative outlet for adults, young people, and children alike 🎨. Lego is an excellent example of our creative counselling for young minds approach.

For Jamie, Lego serves as a means to reconnect with their inner child, which has been suppressed for so long. This discovery has marked the beginning of their healing journey 🌿.

It has become a weekly opportunity for Jamie to dedicate time to themselves and indulge in something truly enjoyable. They now allocate funds from their part-time job to invest in their self-care, saving up for the next Lego set πŸ›.

Stories like Jamie's are crucial, showcasing the joy and beauty in 'play' and its role in healing our inner child.

If you know someone who could benefit from a budget-friendly mental health service for young people and young adults then feel free to get in touch! Creative therapy is open to all ages - not just children!

*Names changed to protect client privacy.


Leo's Tale: Behind the Scenes at Wired Therapy 🐾🌟


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